Monday, November 8, 2010

Smart Oily Skin Care Tips


You thought you were free from oily, acne-prone skin after your teenage years, right? But adolescents aren't the only ones who have to deal with the shine and those awful breakouts. The good news is that you can keep it under control with the proper oily skin care. It just takes a little knowledge, a little effort and a good cleanser.

What Causes Oily Skin?

You just got a facial oil slick or a breakout right before an important date or a special occasion. Is it really all because you ate chocolate and potato chips, or is there more to it than that? Diet is a factor in the amount of oil your glands produce, but heredity, hormone levels, pregnancy and cosmetics can also contribute to the problem.

Oily skin problems typically begin in adolescence. Hormone levels fluctuate wildly during this time of life, and your skin really reacts to those changes. The sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, or the oil on your skin, tend to move into overdrive and begin producing erratic amounts of oil. The glands produce too much in some areas and not enough in others. Often, these glands will begin overproducing oil again when a woman is pregnant, leading to a fresh battle with those blackheads, enlarged pores and that shiny skin that bursts open with pimples at any given moment.

Cosmetics can also clog your pores and lead to breakouts. They might hide a problem, but they'll only make oily skin worse in the long haul. You'll need to look for oily skin care products that are labeled noncomedogenic. These cosmetics won't clog your pores or contribute to extra blemishes. You might need to try several different products to discover the one that works best.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. You might need to make bigger changes beyond your skincare program. Your skin will reflect a healthy diet and a regular workout routine.
  • Keep your cool. Stress stirs up your hormones.
  • Use a mild cleanser twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed. You don't have to wash every hour on the hour, or you'll dry out your skin.
  • Whenever you have a great workout, be sure to wash your face when you are through to remove the sweat that can clog your pores.
  • Choose cosmetics carefully. When reading labels, look for those that are oil-free and those that are labeled as noncomedogenic.


  • Don't scrub. Many people with oily skin think they need to scrub hard to get their face super-clean. Your skin is tender and sensitive, so treat it gently.
  • Don't pick, squeeze, pinch or pop those zits. You risk permanent scarring if you do.
  • Don't worship the sun. Your skin may look better with a tan, but don't overdo it. The sun can cause skin damage and even lead to melanoma.
  • Don't use harsh products to cleanse your skin. You will risk drying, and that will just encourage those sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

Choosing Skin Care Products
There are three general categories that skin care products fall into: natural or homeopathic products, over-the-counter (OTC) products and professional products you get from a doctor or aesthetician. The choice is yours and depends on the severity of your oily skin and the related blemishes, blackheads and enlarged pores.

You can use products you may already have in your home, or you can buy high-end products that claim to work miracles. Don't assume that a high price means the product is effective. You may want to try several options until you get the best results for you.

If you would like to try natural options, you can start by looking in your pantry and your refrigerator. Cucumbers, vinegar, and witch hazel, diluted as necessary and applied to the face, are often recommended to fight oily skin.

At the store, you can find an array of skin cleaners. All the different packages and brands will clamor for your attention, but take the time to read the label. Some products will have antibacterial components, which will kill the bacteria that cause acne. Make sure to find an antibacterial product that isn't dehydrating, or you will set off those sebaceous glands.

Some products will be gentler on your skin than others, which is worth keeping in mind if you suffer from both oily and sensitive skin. Always be sure that the products are oil-free and non comedogenic.

Post Title Smart Oily Skin Care Tips