Thursday, February 25, 2010

PayPal decides Open App Store for Developers


paypal likely to open app store for developer this year where developers can offer their wares, the latest step in the company's multi-pronged strategy to deepen its relationship with external programmers.
Developers will be having big oppurtunity to offer applications to merchant and consumers that PayPal doesn't have the interest or resources to build itself, a PayPal official said Tuesday.
"It could be an invoicing application for a merchant or a 'daily deals' application for consumers," said Osama Bedier, vice president of PayPal's Platform Business Unit and Emerging Technologies.
"We want to help these guys become successful. It's not just a matter of 'here are our tools, go use them.' We have to be where they are and be active in the developer community," he said.

Post Title PayPal decides Open App Store for Developers