Most exciting part about the car bay for the new solar energy is that the company plans to make the units, meaning you can connect the two together to create a six-car passenger - Two distinguished in the cave. On the other hand, you will be able to split one car apart to form two smaller vehicles. It's not clear exactly how this would make it work, but the theory seems very practical. One car per family, so the couple can split up and go separate ways if there was a need for.
Solo laurel and some doors pivoting sweet, and the driver's seat position, and super stylish design, hybrid engine and a roof laden with solar panels. A full charge of photovoltaic cells get 20 kilometers per day, respectively, in the city quickly. Has so far invested € 1500000 in research and development and model.
Post Title → Laurel Unveils Solar-Powered Car, Which is Divided Into Two Cars!